macOS Monterey Keyboard Shortcuts | The Easy Guide
Navigating macOS Monterey efficiently can significantly enhance your productivity. Keyboard shortcuts are a powerful tool to help you perform tasks faster and more seamlessly. Whether you’re a seasoned Mac user or new to the macOS ecosystem, this easy guide will walk you through some of the most useful keyboard shortcuts in macOS Monterey. Mastering these shortcuts can save you time and improve your workflow. macOS Monterey Keyboard Shortcuts FINDER COMMANDS Shortcut Description command + 1command + 2command + 3command + 4 Switch Finder view type command + N New Finder window command + T New Finder window tab option + command + space Open new search window command + F Find shift + command + N Create new folder command + i Get file info option + command + i Show file inspector command + J Show view options command + Y Quick Look return Rename shift + command + P Show/hide preview command + control + 0 Use groups/stacks command + ↑ Go to parent folder shift + command + C Go to the top level shift + command + O Go to Documents folder command + delete Move to trash shift + command + delete Empty trash APP COMMANDS Shortcut Description command + N New window/document command + O Open file command + W Close window/document command + S Save document options + shift + command + S Save As command + Z Undo command + Q Quit option + command + Q Quit, close/keep windows command + , App settings command + H Hide app option + command + H Hide others fn + F Toggle full screen mode fn + ↑fn + ↓ Page scrolling MISSION CONTROL Shortcut Description control + ↑ View Mission Control control + ↓ Show app’s windows F11 Show Desktop control + →control + ← Move between spaces APP SWITCHING Shortcut Description command + tabtab`QH App switcher, then hold commandGo to next appPrevious appQuit appHide/show app command + ` Next window in app control + tab Next tab in window option + command + D Hide/Show Dock TEXT EDITING Shortcut Description command + ←command + → Start/end of line command + ↑command + ↓ Start/end of doc option + ←option + → Previous/next word option + ↑option + ↓ Previous/next paragraph command + Xcommand + Ccommand + V CutCopyPaste command + option + shift + V Paste and Match Style command + A Select All fn + delete Forward Delete (HOLD LETTER) Choose accent mark control + command + space Insert symbol or emoji press control twice Start Dictation SYSTEM COMMANDS Shortcut Description option + command + esc Force quit apps control + command + Q Lock screen shift + command + Q Log out shift + command + ? Open Help menu SPOTLIGHT, ETC Shortcut Description command + space Spotlight search control + command + D Look up selected text option + command + space Finder file search fn + Q Quick note command + space (hold) Siri SCREEN CAPTURE Shortcut Description shift + command + 5 Capture and recording controls shift + command + 3 Capture the screen shift + command + 4 Capture area(Add control to save to clipboard instead of file)(Add space to select window instead of area) SAFARI Shortcut Description command + Ncommand + T New windowNew tab shift + command + N New private window command + R Reload page shift + command + H Home command + [command + ] Back Forward command + D Add bookmark shift + command + D Add to Reading List command + +command + – Zoom inZoom out shift + command + Tab overview shift + command + B Show / Hide Favorites bar control + command + 1control + command + 2 ShowHide Sidebars Conclusion By integrating these keyboard shortcuts into your daily routine, you can streamline your tasks and navigate macOS Monterey with ease. Keep this guide handy as a quick reference, and practice regularly to become proficient. Soon, you’ll find that these shortcuts can transform the way you work, making your macOS experience faster and more enjoyable. Happy shortcutting!